Following your initial consultation with the radiation oncologist, you will be scheduled for a CT simulation appointment. During this appointment, the radiation therapist, under the direction of your radiation oncologist,
will pinpoint the exact area of your body we will treat. The simulation process is highly individualized to ensure the most appropriate course of treatment for you. The simulation appointment may take up to one hour,
during which you will have a CT scan. We will mark your body with tiny dots that are permanently tattooed to ensure accuracy of your treatments. You will not receive an actual radiation therapy treatment during this visit.
Brigham and Women's/Sturdy Memorial Radiation Oncology Center utilizes a Philips AcQsim that provides advanced CT simulation. Because precise, reproducible positioning is so important to the delivery of high-quality treatment,
there are certain simulations for which specific equipment is utilized to help you stay in the same position for each session. This will be fashioned at simulation by the radiation therapist in conjunction with the radiation oncologist and may consist of special cushions, braces, custom-made aquaplast molds, etc.
Once the scanning is over, the radiation therapist will go over all the treatment dates that will occur.